Daily Archives: August 18, 2008

A complete lab collection!

It’s so ironic that I posted this today! I just checked the pet blog only to find this funny cartoon. How on earth does that happen?

All types of labs!! Of course, the meth lab is out of the question!!

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The labs in my life…

I love all kinds of dogs, but I’ve got a special place in my heart for labs of all kinds. Throughout the years, we’ve had golden retrievers (mostly through my sister…and of course we had Nike) and various other labs in our family. The next dog I get will most likely be a blond lab. But who really knows? Another dog might just capture my heart.

Anyway…until then I thought I’d profile some lovely labs that are in my family. I live vicariously through them to get my lab fix! hah!!

buttonzipper.jpgHere’s Button (the female blond lab) and Zipper (the male chocolate lab). As you can tell in this picture, it is very hard to get them to stand still for a second. These two darlings are my sister’s dogs and they live on a lovely house in Santa Clarita. The sis and her family were on vacation, which means we got to look after them (well mostly my mom since she lives closer). Button is about three years old and Zipper is about two. And yeah…there’s a theme to the names. My nephew named Button because she was cute as a button as a puppy (but she’s still cute now) and my sister named Zipper to compliment button. If you can’t figure it out already, my sister has this insanely funny motto that everything must match…LOL!!

buttonzipper2.jpgFor some reason Button’s face in this photo just cracks me up.

And now onto Alex and Baby. Alex (a female black lab) and Baby (a female chocolate lab) live in a lovely place with my cousin Volker and his wife Stephanie in Woodland Hills. Volker has had Alex for about 10 years now but she still acts like a puppy sometimes. At least she was very lively when I came. Baby is about two years old and is very sweet.
Heheh! I had a little bit better of a time getting these two to sit still. It’s probably because Alex is a very mature 10 year old dog and she probably settles Baby down just a little bit.

So there you have it…more dogs in my family!

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